Think Country and Patti McClintic talk “Pond Fishing” the newest single from the Davisson Brothers Band in a great new interview featuring Donnie and Chris Davisson.
If there’s anything I’ve learned doing this country music journalism thing, it’s that anything can happen and to expect the unexpected. Once again, weirdness darkened my doorstep. There I was about a week ago, just scrolling mindlessly through random songs on Spotify, when I came across a title I couldn’t ignore. “Pond Fishing” caught my eye. I have no idea why, but the name of that song intrigued me enough that I clicked on it. Somehow I envisioned a quiet tune. Something that probably included a sleepy old man with a bamboo fishing pole, lounging on the bank of a remote pool of water. You know what? I missed the mark on that.
Make sure to head on over to Think Country and read the entire article: